Thursday, 6 November 2014

should man play God as to which animals to be killed?

This is the topic are been given by Madam Hanim to us to discussed.

From my opinion, as human either man or women should be good towards animals. The animals also a living thing and having its own family. The animals also have the right to life in this world. The awareness about extinction of animals should not be forget. Human should take a good care of the animals which can't do for its self. As a human, we should empower all to rise and stop culling the innocent animals. We are giving a brain and a good mind form our Creator, we should know the way to prevent the destructive of our biodiversity area. A lot of strategic and technology can be use, example, barren or control by minor surgery to  the animals which reduce the population. Or, its can be Exchange the animals to nation neighbors. Besides, build a building with environmentally friendly and plant more trees. theres many more!

People should think about extinction of animals not ourself. Stop being selfish and save many animals as you can!

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